My research is in Probability, Dynamical Systems and Fractal Geometry. This page includes a description of my current and past research interests.

Current research:

Past research:

Beta-expansions and beta-transformations

In recent years I have mostly worked on expansions of numbers in non-integer bases, also called beta-expansions. If b is a non-integer base and M is the greatest integer less than b, then every number between 0 and M/(1-b) can be expressed in base b using the digits 0,1, ..., M, and almost all numbers in this interval have uncountably many such expansions. I am particularly interested in univoque numbers, or numbers having a unique expansion in base b. This subject often uses tools from symbolic dynamical systems. In my first paper on the subject, I introduced the notion of a strongly univoque number, which played an important role in characterizing the infinite derivatives of Okamoto's function (see below) and was also used earlier in the study of asymmetric Bernoulli convolutions by Jordan, Shmerkin and Solomyak. In my recent works (most of them jointly with Derong Kong) I have made several contributions to the knowledge and understanding of univoque sets. Derong and I are currently applying our techniques to a related problem, analyzing the survivor set of an open dynamical system arising from the beta-transformation with a hole near 0. In particular we wrote a paper in which we determine the exact size of the hole for which the Hausdorff dimension of the survivor set first becomes zero.

Fractal functions

Through my work on random probability distributions, which are often of a fractal nature, I became interested in the field of fractal geometry. Probability theory and fractal geometry are both firmly rooted in measure theory, and probabilistic techniques are often used to solve problems in fractal geometry. Hence it seemed natural to deepen my interest in this subject. My joint work with Kiko Kawamura involves the investigation of new classes of fractal functions, as well as fractal functions which have largely been overlooked by the literature. These include continuous but nowhere-differentiable functions and (graph-directed) self-affine functions. In particular, we investigate the degree of continuity of such functions, the Hausdorff dimensions of their graphs, and their extreme values. In our first joint paper, we investigate a sequence of functions which are the n-th derivatives of Lebesgue's singular function with respect to its parameter. The first of these is Takagi's famous continuous nowhere differentiable function (see the figure below). Our paper extends several known results for the Takagi function to the entire sequence of functions. The results (and conjectures!) we obtained for the sets of maximum and minimum points of these functions are particularly intriguing. Other work we have done so far involves determination of the Hausdorff dimension of the coordinate functions of space-filling curves, including Levy's dragon curve and Polya's triangle-filling curves.
              Takagi's nowhere-differentiable function                                                    Levy's dragon curve

I have also written several papers on the level sets of the Takagi function and its generalizations, and, with Kiko Kawamura, a survey of the literature about the Takagi function and its generalizations and applications.

More recently I have been interested in Okamoto's self-affine functions and their generalizations. Okamoto's functions form a one-parameter family of self-affine functions that includes earlier examples of Perkins and Katsuura, as well as the classical ternary Cantor function (and, much less interestingly, the identity function). The parameter a controls the shape and differentiability of the function F, as shown by Okamoto in 2006. When a > 2/3, F is nowhere differentiable (as shown below left for Perkins' function). At a = 0.5592 (see graph below right), another phase transition takes place: F changes from being differentiable almost everywhere (for a < 0.5592) to being differentiable almost nowhere (for a > 0.5592). The critical value .5592 is the solution (rounded to 4 decimal places) of a certain cubic equation.

Okamoto's function with a=5/6 (Perkins' function)Graph of Okamoto's function for a=0.5598   

                   Okamoto's function with a =5/6  (Perkins' function)                                             Okamoto's function with a = 0.5592

One of my contributions was to compute the Hausdorff dimension of the sets of exceptional points for the almost-everywhere (or almost nowhere) differentiability, and to characterize the set of points where Okamoto's function has an infinite derivative. This last result led me, unexpectedly, to the study of beta-expansions.

I have also investigated the differentiability of more general self-affine functions on an interval, and computed their pointwise Holder spectra. And, with my recent Ph.D. student Taylor Jones, I studied randomized versions of Okamoto's functions. We computed the box-counting dimension of their graphs and determined their differentiability properties.

Optimal stopping

You have an asset for sale (a house, say), and bids on the asset are made one at a time. When do you decide a bid is large enough to accept it? Or, you are playing the stock market and are wondering what the best time is to sell a stock or exercise an option. The above questions (and countless others) belong to the realm of Optimal Stopping Theory. They fit the following general framework: An observer (often called gambler, or statistician) is presented with a sequence of random variables (called observations). After seeing each observation, the gambler must either accept or reject it, without knowing the values of future observations. The goal is to maximize the expected value of (some function of) the observation which is finally accepted. The random variables may be either independent or dependent, and their distributions may be either known or unknown to the observer. The time horizon could be either finite or infinite. In the latter case, a cost-per-observation or discount factor is usually assumed, so that "time works against the observer". The development of optimal stopping theory started around 1960 with papers by Chow, Robbins, Karlin, and others, and remains fully alive today, though most modern optimal stopping problems are in continuous time and require techniques from stochastic calculus.

My research in optimal stopping has focused on two types of problems. The first area is optimal stopping of correlated random walks and other directionally reinforced processes. The motivation for this work (part of which has been done jointly with Michael Monticino) is to develop optimal buy/sell rules for simple models of stock price movements which include momentum. Some of our results have been fairly straightforward adaptations of classical optimal stopping results for random walks, but others have required substantially new ideas as well as a more in-depth analysis.

The second area involves prophet inequalities and prophet-type inequalities. The goal in prophet problems is to compare the optimal expected return of a gambler with that of a prophet, or player having complete foresight into the future. The expected return of the prophet, which is simply the expected maximum of the observations, can be viewed as an extreme upper bound for the optimal expected return of a player who has some (limited) foresight, e.g. a well-connected investor who has inside information which allows him to partially predict the future. My main contributions to this area concern sequences of random variables with arbitrary discount factors (both random and deterministic). But I am also interested in how other types of foresight affect the optimal stopping value, e.g. knowledge of the number of available observations, or knowledge of the distributions of the random variables. Another paper I wrote involves prophet inequalities and prophet-type inequalities for observations arriving at random times. This setting is more natural than the traditional discrete-time setting, but for various reasons the problems become significantly more difficult to solve.

In average-optimal stopping, the distributions of the random variables are assumed to be unknown, and the goal is to find a stopping rule that performs best on the average over all possible distributions. In such problems, one may think of Nature choosing (or constructing) a distribution at random according to some scheme. One popular construction of random probability distributions was given by Dubins and Freedman in 1967. In one of my papers, I devised a method for recursively computing the moments of the (random!) mean of a Dubins-Freedman random distribution. From them, the distribution of the mean, which plays an important role in statistical applications, can then be estimated.


Benford's law

In the past, I have done some work on the Significant Digit Phenomenon, an empirical law which says that more numbers in the universe start with a low digit than with a higher one. More precisely, the fraction of numbers having first significant digit k is given by the log-base-10 of (k+1)/k. Thus, 30.1% of all numbers in the universe have first significant digit 1, 17.6% have first digit 2, and so on. This curious phenomenon was first observed in 1881 by the astronomer Simon Newcomb, who noticed that the first pages of  logarithmic tables wore out faster than later ones. It was rediscovered in 1937 by physicist Frank Benford, who gathered strong empirical evidence for the logarithmic law of significant digits, known today as Benford's Law: Benford collected 20.000 numbers from 20 different sources including surface areas of rivers, baseball statistics, molecular weights, street addresses of American Men in Science, and numbers found on the front pages of newspapers. The first digit frequencies of these numbers were amazingly close to the frequencies predicted by the logarithmic law.

Though empirically firmly established by Benford's experiments (and by later findings), there has been no convincing physical or mathematical explanation for the Significant Digit Phenomenon. Several explanations have been proposed, including arguments based on scale- and base-invariance, extensions of the notion of natural density, and picking a probability distribution at random. However, none of these arguments have been fully convincing.

Here is an intriguing fact about numbers that follows from the logarithmic law: if you'd collect - each day for a period of say, ten weeks - all numbers on the front page of the morning paper; then shift the decimal stop in each number to the place right after the first significant digit (to get numbers between 1 and 10); and finally compute the 9 sums of all numbers in your data set having first digit 1, all those having first digit 2, and so on..., you'd get nine approximately equal sums. This observation can be made mathematically precise, and, when extended to sums of numbers whose first k digits match (k>=1), completely characterizes the logarithmic law. This was the result of my Master's thesis and my first publication.

Ranges of vector measures

Lyapounov's celebrated convexity theorem of 1940 states that the range of an atomless vector measure is both convex and compact. This extraordinarily elegant but deep and powerful result (or later extensions of it) has been applied to such diverse areas as Banach space theory, control theory, optimal stopping theory, game theory, fair division theory, statistical decision theory, economics, graph theory, and logic. One extension of Lyapounov's theorem, due to Dvoretzky, Wald and Wolfowitz, states that the partition range of an atomless vector measure is convex and compact. For both the range and the partition range, convexity typically fails if the vector measure has atoms. J. Gouweleeuw and A. Dvoretzky have independently published the same beautiful characterization of those vector measures whose range is convex. In my Ph.D. dissertation, I took a different view and derived a sharp bound on how far from convex the partition range of a vector measure can be, given the size of the largest atom. This deep result combines several ideas from convex geometry, measure theory, combinatorics and graph theory. In addition, I sharpened some existing bounds (by J. Elton and T. Hill) on the non-convexity of the range and the matrix range of a vector measure with atoms. These bounds can be applied to determine worst-case deviations from optimality in a variety of applications, most notably in fair division theory.

Another result from my dissertation is an application of convexity of the partition range to a problem in statistical decision theory. Suppose a continuous distribution is known up to a location parameter μ. A list of n possible parameter values is given. You may take one observation X, and must then guess which of the n given values is the true parameter μ. The goal is to minimize the maximum risk - that is, the largest of the n probabilities, under each of the possible parameter values, of guessing incorrectly. This problem can be rephrased as an optimal-partitioning problem: you would divide the real line into n intervals and declare that μ is equal to the i-th value in the list, if X falls in the i-th  interval of the partition. The key to finding the worst possible minimax risk (given some constraint on the spread of the distribution) is to cleverly construct a number of preliminary partitions, and find the unique convex combination with equal coordinates of the corresponding points in the partition range. By convexity, this point belongs to the partition range as well, and the corresponding partition of the real line is the one we want.


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