Building Bridges: 1st EU-US conference on Automorphic Forms and related topics

Building Bridges

Restaurants and Cafes

You can find many restaurants and bars in the upper part of the Pontstrasse. It is very close to the main building of the RWTH Aachen university, and it usually takes about 5 minutes by foot to get there. The restaurants mainly address to students and serve medium level food at very affordable prices starting at 8€ for a full meal. We can recommend the folowing places:

Restaurant Type of food Address
Vielharmonie Italien food, Burgers and Wraps Pontstr. 101-105
Pizzeria La Finestra Pizza and Pasta Pontstr. 123

There are as well many cafes and bars in the Pontstrasse. Note that few places offer WiFi access.

Cafe/Bar Drinks Address
Pontgarten Coffee and Cocktails Pontstr. 154
Labyrinth Coffee and Cocktails Pontstr. 156-158
Starbucks Coffee Markt 35