Mathematics 5610 Syllabus
Fall 2008

Prerequisite: Good background in undergraduate mathematics.

Book: General Topology by Willard.

Reference Books: 
Topology by Munkres
                                  Foundations of Topology by Patty
                                  General Topology by Kelley
                                  Topology by Dugundji

Professor:  Neal Brand
    Office:     GAB 417B
    M 1:00-2:30,   T 3:30-4:30,  W 2:00-3:30,   F 9:00-10:00 
    and by appointment

Grading: Grades will be based one exam, a final and homework. The midterm exam will be worth 100 points, the homework a total of 100 points, and the final 200 points.

Exams: The midterm exam will be given in class about half way through the course. The final exam is scheduled for December 9 at 10:30.

Homework: Homework will be assigned from the book and possibly from handouts. The assignments will be posted on the web.

Web Page: From the UNT home page follow through the links through the college of Arts and Sciences, the mathematics department and Neal Brand’s home page to find the 5610 home page. You will find homework assignments, and other information concerning this class at that site.
The URL is

Attendance: It is important that you come to class in order to master the material.

Disabilities: It is the responsibility of students with certified disabilities to provide the instructor with appropriate documentation from the Dean of Students Office.

Cheating: No cheating will be tolerated. Anyone caught cheating will receive an F for the course. Furthermore, a letter will be sent to the appropriate dean. I expect no cheating in this class.

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