Mathematics 3010 Syllabus - Fall 2008

Prerequisite: Math 1650 or equivalent

Book: None

Professor: Neal Brand

Office:    GAB 417B -  M 1:00-2:30,   T 3:30-4:30,  W 2:00-3:30,   F 9:00-10:000.  Please use these hours to ask questions of your instructor.  At other times, your instructor will most likely be busy with other responsibilities, so do not just drop in at other times.  If you need to see your instructor at another time, make an appointment in advance to see him.

Grading: To make an A, you must solve at least three Putnam problems, present their solutions on the board and take the Putnam exam.  To make a B, you must solve at least two Putnam problems, present them on the board and take the Putnam exam.  To make a C, you must solve at least one Putnam problem, present it on the board, and take the Putnam exam.  To make a D, you must either solve one Putnam problem and present the solution on the board or take the Putnam exam. 

Course Evaluation:  The site will be open later in the semester for you to evaluate the course (dates to be announced later).  You are requested to go to this web site and complete an evaluation of the course sometime during the open period.  The evaluation could take you 10 minutes or less if you just answer the multiple choice questions.  If you wish to make specific comments about the course, the book, mathlab, the instructor or anything else related to this class, you will have the opportunity to type in comments.  Although your instructor will receive a list of who completed the evaluation forms before grades are turned in, he will not receive any other information about the evaluations until after the grades are turned in.  Your instructor will receive no information that would link you to your specific answers or comments.  The mathematics department takes your course evaluation input very seriously.

Homework: Homework will be assigned from handouts.

Web Page: From the UNT home page follow through the links through the College of Arts and Sciences, the Mathematics Department and Neal Brand's home page to find the Math 1710 home page. You will find homework assignments, and other information concerning this class at that site. The URL is

Attendance: You are expected to attend all classes.

Disabilities: It is the responsibility of students with certified disabilities to provide the instructor with appropriate documentation from the Dean of Students Office.

Cheating: You are encouraged to work together on solutions to homework problems.  However, on the Putnam exam, you are to follow the exam directions completely.  This includes no calculators, computers, books or notes.  You are also not allowed to work together on the Putnam exam.

Last Comment: Anything on this syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.


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