Mathematics 3000.003 Syllabus – Fall 2013

Prerequisite: Math 1720 or equivalent

Book: Analysis with an Introduction to Proof by Steven R. Lay (5th Edition)

Professor: Neal Brand

Office:    GAB 417B  M 3:30-5:00,   T 1:00-3:30, W 12:30-2:00,  Th 11:00-12:30, F 12:30-1:30 and by appointment. 
Please use these hours to ask questions of your instructor.  Do not just drop in at other times since your instructor will most likely be busy with other responsibilities.  If you need to see your instructor at another time, make an appointment in advance.

Grading: Grades are based on three regular exams, homework, quizzes, a notebook and a final. The homework is worth a total of 100 points, each exam is worth 100 points, the quizzes are worth a total or 100 points, the notebook is worth 100 points, and the final is worth 200 points.  This gives you a total of 800 possible points. To earn an A it is sufficient to make a total of 720 points, 640 for a B, 560 for a C, and 480 for a D.   You are also required to complete the on-line course evaluation described below.

Course Evaluation:  The SETE website will be open later in the semester for you to evaluate the course (dates to be announced later).  You are required to complete an evaluation of the course sometime during the open period. Although your instructor will receive a list of who completed the evaluation forms before grades are turned in, he will not receive any other information about the evaluations until after the grades are turned in.  Your instructor will receive no information that would link you to your specific answers or comments.  The university, the mathematics department, and your instructor take your course evaluation input very seriously.

Homework: Homework will be assigned from the book and handouts. The assignments will be posted on the web. You are expected to turn in neatly written homework.  If the grader has trouble reading the homework, then the homework will be returned with a zero. 

Exams:  The exams will be in class and most likely they will be given on September 30, October 28 and November 25.  The final exam is scheduled for Monday December 9 at 1:30 in the classroom.

Web Page: From the UNT home page follow through the links through the College of Arts and Sciences, the Mathematics Department and Neal Brand's home page to find the Math 3000 home page. You will find homework assignments, and other information concerning this class at that site. The URL is .

Extra Credit: Do not expect to be able to do extra credit work to help your grade either before or after the final exam. There will be no extra credit for this course other than perhaps an extra problem on an exam. Please do not ask for extra credit work to help your grade. Your best bet to help your grade is to do the required work at the time it is assigned.

Cell Phones: The use of cell phones to text, talk, browse or anything else is forbidden in this class.  Their use is distracting to the user, other students and the instructor.

Disabilities: It is the responsibility of students with certified disabilities to provide the instructor with appropriate documentation from the Dean of Students Office. Their phone number is 940-565-4323.

Cheating: Cheating: No cheating will be tolerated. Cheating includes receiving help from anyone or anything that is not specifically allowed on an exam, final, or project. For example, calculators are not allowed on exams and using one would constitute cheating.  On the other hand, you are encouraged to work together on the regular homework assignments as long as everyone participates and no one just copies the answers.  Anyone caught cheating will receive an F for the course. Furthermore, a letter will be sent to the appropriate dean. I expect no cheating in this class. (See the UNT website on academic dishonesty:

Last Comment: Anything on this syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.

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